
AOI’s members have collectively authored the AOI Hedge Fund Investing Principles, a document that outlines suggested best practices in relation to aligning the interests of managers and investors. The concepts outlined in this document are intended to serve as a basis for continued discussion between investors and their hedge fund managers. The points included in the Principles were developed though the collective contributions of hedge fund investors involved with AOI, and represent some of the ideas exchanged between participants throughout the past several years.

To view the AOI Principles click the link below:

AOI Hedge Fund Principles 2014



The AOI Principles have been designed to expand the discussion among hedge fund industry participants. They are intended to create a starting point upon which to discuss issues common to hedge fund investors. Going forward, AOI may issue further appendices to the AOI Principles in order to share feedback and address newly introduced topics.



The Principles are intended to serve as a framework for continued discussion among and between members of the hedge fund industry for the long-term benefit of all its participants. Endorsement of these Principles is an indication of support for the efforts of the AOI and industry supporters to contribute to an effort to strengthen the basic “alignment of interests” in hedge fund investing. AOI believes that careful consideration of these terms and best practices will contribute to better long-term prospects for all involved in the industry.

To endorse the AOI Hedge Fund Principles click here:

Note: AOI maintains a list of endorsers, available to its membership.